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How to Fight a Ticket for Failure to Yield in North Carolina

Coastal South Law

If you are pulled over for failure to yield in North Carolina, you may be wondering what your next steps should be. In this article, we will outline the process of fighting a ticket for failure to yield and provide some tips on how to best react when given a failure to yield citation.

What Does Failure to Yield Mean?

Failure to yield is one of the most common right of way violations. It happens when a driver fails to give the right of way to a vehicle or person that has the right of way. Failing to yield can cause accidents and injuries.

Here are some examples of failure to yield:

  • A driver does not stop at a stop sign or red light and hits another car.

  • A driver changes lanes without looking and hits another car.

  • A driver is pulling out of a parking lot onto the road and does not wait for oncoming traffic to clear, causing a collision.

  • A driver refuses to stop at a crosswalk for passing pedestrians.

  • A driver refuses to let an emergency vehicle drive past them.

What are the Penalties for Failure to Yield in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, drivers who fail to yield the right of way may be subject to a variety of penalties, depending on the severity of the offense. A violation of the right of way results in a fine of $35 for not yielding to other drivers, $100 for not yielding to pedestrians, and $250 for not yielding to emergency vehicles, plus possible court fees. In addition, if you fail to yield to other cars or emergency personnel, you will receive three demerit points, and if you fail to yield to a pedestrian, you will receive four demerit points to your driver’s license.

If the failure to yield results in a crash that causes damages and or injuries you may also be charged with a crime.

Is it Worth Fighting a Failure to Yield Charge?

Given the penalties, is it worth fighting a failure to yield charge? For many drivers, the answer is yes. This is because if you are convicted of failing to yield, you can expect to pay higher insurance costs and you may also lose your driver's license in the near future. Too many demerit points on your driving record can cause your license to be suspended.

So before you decide not to fight a failure to yield charge, consider the consequences.

What Can be Done to Fight a Failure to Yield Charge in North Carolina?

If you are charged with failure to yield, it is important to contact an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the legal process and work to get the best possible outcome for your case. Our attorneys can help you try to negotiate a deal with the prosecutor to have the charges reduced or dropped. We can also help gather evidence such as eyewitness testimonies, photographs or video footage of the incident, and copies of any relevant traffic laws or regulations that will prove that you were driving in the safest manner at the time.

Do not go it alone, we have a strong track record and we remain confident that we will be able to get the best possible outcome for you.

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Telephone: (910) 253-0411

Fax: (910) 613-4033

Coastal South Law

3972 Business Hwy 17 East, Unit E
Bolivia, NC, 28422

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414 Chestnut St, Unit 303

Wilmington, NC, 28401

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